State funded downtown Detroit/Airport/Suburban SMART bus service
The purpose is to coordinate the city and suburban bus systems in Detroit, MI and allow multiple tax mechanisms to allow bus service where needed most. The public transit systems are the Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportion (SMART) as fully described here using the state tax on fuel in conjunction with the property tax being permanent unless replaced by a majority vote agreed upon with the voters. This will give SMART more operating subsidies and bring people into downtown Detroit. Imagine everyone in the world knowing that they can go to Downtown Detroit on a clean, reliable, safe public bus on well lighted streets connecting the three county seats to the metropolitan airport. The city of Detroit is Michigan\'s primary city thus it is in the best interest\'s of all to keep the downtown a world class one by restoring the historic buildings and attracting many tourists and new businesses.