Burial for Unborn Babies Aborted in Ireland
Burial for Unborn Babies Aborted in Ireland
It is our request that any child whose life is taken during an abortion is afforded a proper and dignified burial.
We ask that their human remains are treated with dignity and respect.
We ask that their human bodies are not mutilated or discarded as medical waste.
We ask that their human remains are buried on holy ground and in proper individual graves.
We ask that their human bodies are not burnt in incinerators.
We ask that the human remains of unborn children are not mutilated for the harvesting and sale of their organs.
We ask that proper records are kept of each burial, so mothers are afforded the opportunity of visiting their children’s graves if they later come to regret their abortions.
Every child is entitled to bodily integrity.
Every child has a soul and is entitled to have their human remains treated with respect.