Restore John Cotton as Part-Time Police Chief of WIlliamsburg

We, the undersigned, feel that the position of Police Chief in Williamsburg should be a part-time position and that John Cotton, our current Chief for the last few years has done a great job for the town serving on our behalf. He brings to the position 30 yrs of experience as an officer, has brought in financial resources to the town which it would not have access to otherwise and acts with the best interests of the community when he performs his job. We do not think that a full time chief is necessary in such a small town and that having a part-time chief with his experience is a much more effective use of the towns funds. We want his position restored immediately. Below is the wording of 2 warrant articles to effect the above: 1. To see if the town will vote to keep the position of Chief of Police a part time position, to include a separate line item in the police budget for the Chief’s annual salary 2. To see if the town will vote to instruct the board of Selectmen to reappoint the present Chief of Police, John W. Cotton to the position of Chief of Police for the coming fiscal year (FY10) By signing this petition, you are supporting these warrants. Please don't forget to put your address and any supporting comments in the comment section below. Also, see the link on the right side of this page for supporting documentation.