STOP the rezoning from rural resident/agricultural to a MUTIFAMILY DEWELLING. We are in need of your signature to stop the Bunn Hill Development of 600 Student Housing. It will be four story high buildings (10) to be developed on beautiful wildlife land out in a country setting. This is where families of many generations reside, new families who take hikes and explore the wildlife, stream and creeks with their children and residents who have worked their whole life to finally retire to share the tranquility of nature. To put 600 students in an area that is in this country setting and in the middle of no where. It would be more appropriate to build student housing in an area where these students could be closer to entertainment, libraries, shopping, restaurants, and a nightlife atmosphere. FACTS: STUDENT HOUSING FOR 600 COLLEGE STUDENTS 10 BUILDINGS WITH 60 BEDS PER UNIT 10 BUILDINGS 3 TO 4 STORIES HIGH PORCHES (KIDS CAN HANG OUT ON PLAY THEIR MUSIC) PARKING AND LIGHTING ( LIGHTS ON ALL NIGHT) SUNY BUSES GOING UP AND DOWN THE STREET. INCREASE D TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY AND NIGHT GARBAGE TRUCKS IN & OUT (600 STUDENTS) IT WILL BE REZONING FOR MULIT FAMILY (WHAT HAPPENS IF THE DEVELOPERS SELL, WILL IT BE APARTMENT HOUSING WATER TANK WILL BE BUILT (HAS TO BE 100FT ABOVE THIS LAND) DEVELOPERS WANTS TO RAISE IT UP OFF THE GROUND, BEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT. TRANSIENTS IN AND OUT : STUDENTS ALLOWED OVERNIGHT GUEST FOR 3 DAYS NO QUESTIONS ASKED. CHANGING OF STREAMS, CREEKS AND WILDLIFE. CUTTING DOWN OF TREES IN A BEAUTIFUL WOODED AREA. There are laws that allows people the right to challenge any decision being made when there is going to be a change made to the land use, such as changing or rezoning of property to accommodate development. STOP THE REZONING OF THIS LAND ON BUNN HILL ROAD TO BE REZONED A MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS. Thank for your support!