Ashley McIntyre, Kenneth Weishuhn, Jamie Hubley, Tyler Clementi, Megan Meier, Rachel Ehmke, Jay ‘Corey’ Jones, Kayle Maire Wright, Eden Wormer, and Amanda Todd, from Metro Vancouver. These names have something in common and they share something that no human being deserves to have to share. These are the names of ten young individuals, of the many, from all walks of life and sexual orientation who were bullied and committed suicide as a result of being bullied. My question to you is how long must we wait before action is taken?
We as a society are letting the youth of this generation down. We are turning a blind eye to bullying. We need to stand up. We need stop this. It pains me to hear that Amanda Todd died. If you have not heard, Amanda made a video within the last month. I ask that you take 10 minutes out of your day, go to youtube.com and search for Amanda Todd and watch her video. It will show you how bad it is. I have watched that video several times now and every time I see it, it hurts to know we could have done something. The individuals that led her taking her life could have been stopped. The teachers that saw her get into the fight should have done more. Her video was a cry for help and we did nothing.
Bullying is a hate crime, it is terrorism, it is unfair and it is time we take a tough stand against any individual who practices this brutality. We need to start educating the youth about the deadly consequences of bullying. Our teachers need to do more and help more. We need to create more outreach programs and make help available.
Our elected officials, need to help. We need their help to classify bullying as terrorism, as a hate crime, as an crime with an adult charge and create stiff life long penalties for those found guilty.
Please sign this petition to ask our elected representative to take a tough stand against bullying. Ask our elected officials work to amend the criminal code and classify bullying as a terrorism and hate.
Will you stand up for Amanda and others that have died as a result of bullies?