Door Clan 0

Building a relvolving door in Springman

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  • Edit 2 - 11/15 | 9:56 PM | The future for Stanley is looking quite bright today, ladies and gentlemen! Us, the proud creators of Project Stanley, thank you. With your help, the future will be a lot better. We will soon be making a Patreon so you can help us. If we can reach our goal of 200 dollars, we will begin work on Stanley X right away. Stanley X will have the same features of OG Stanley. However, we will implement a cure for cancer inside of the rice pudding, as well as face ID and Snapchat filters. With your help, we can end cancer forever.
  • Edit - 11/15 | 3:33 PM | I thank you all for supporting our endeavor to create Stanley. As this rate, we will even be able to implement Stanley into other school. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it.

Alright. Ladies and gentlemen. Today, we must muster the courage and energy. It is my honor to announce our petition to create a revolving door at Springman Middle School.

Lets start with the pros. Firstly, revolving doors are cool as h*ck. The lone revolving door (whom I will now refer to as Stanley) will give our proud school infinitely more pride. We will have more than enough style points after building it. Everyone will envy us. We will boost our schools popularity and get more money, somethings our school probably needs.

I know what you are thinking. "This is a waste of money." But you are wrong. Thousands more around the nation will come to marvel at our Stanley, and we will make them enroll before they can pass through. Thats 1000$ for every ten students!

Thirdly, it will solve world hunger. You may not believe me at first, but hear me out. Hampster wheels produce energy, as do wind turbines. This Stanley will be no different. That energy will be used to create not fruit, not vegetables, but infinite rice pudding. Here, in 2018, with state of the art technology, you can have infinite rice pudding dispensed as you walk through a door.

It will also have a handicap button to automatically spin.

Compared to bland doors, Stanley is shown to reduce stress by nearly quintuple the amount of a regular door. Kids who walk through Stanley will become energized, determined, and ready for anything. Power levels will also be through the roof.

After looking at all the pros, where do we begin with the cons?

Nowhere. That's where. It is Stanley. He has no cons.

So will you join us in creating a brighter future for the people of America? Or will you stand idle, a bystander?

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