Sign for Buffy spin-offs

The series "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" (and "Angel" of course) ended long ago, but the fandom is still alive. There is a great number of fans all over the world and we've been hoping that the show will go on. It isn't possible anymore, we know, but do we really want just a Buffy remake with other actors and without Joss Whedon? Or do we want our 'old' beloved characters? Do YOU want spin-offs? Rupert Giles (Ripper)? Spike? Faith? Others? Yes? Why are you still waiting? For what? Nothing will happen, if you don't do something!
There is already a small chance for spin-offs, but if nobody demands them, they won't realize. I'm from Germany and I've start this petition because I believe, that the Buffy fans are strong enough to show the studio bosses that we want Buffy spin-offs more than ever. Long enough we’ve waited. Long enough we’ve listened to rumours. It's time to say what we want! Will you help me keep Buffy alive or will you let the myth die forever?
How you can support? There are a few ways:
-> Sign this petition! It lasts not even three minutes and it's free.
-> Tell your friends, family and all the Buffy fans you know, to sign, too. Every entry counts!
-> Put the link to this petition on your homepage, twitter/facebook/youtube/etc. - accounts. Show the world that you're a part of the buffy comminity and stand for the common wish for spin-offs!
-> If you have the possibility, make videos, write articels/stories, create fanpics/banners and so on. Almost everything which deals with Buffy could make the ex-fans, who have forgotten, remember this brilliant serie. The more we are the better. Arrange that the whole internet speaks about Buffy, so that finally Joss Whedon notice it. Let your contribution be the stone, which churn up the water!
-> Last but not least, what would help the most: Write an E-Mail or a letter to Joss Whedon, to the actors you want to see in the TV again, to Jane Espensons, BBC, Warner Bros, … To everyone who dealed with the Buffy production. Say that you want spin-offs badly! It will cost you just a few minutes, however the effect will be huge. And don’t be afraid that this might be in vain. Trust me, waves of letters and mails make everybody thinking – but for this it’s necessary that YOU raise your voice!
If this is still not enough for you and you want to do more, I would be glad if you help me directly. My English is not perfect and on my own I haven’t the time and the possibility to do as much as I want. We have just the power if we are many and for this I need people who would like to „work“ with me in the core, organize everything and be the „head“ of this. You would make my day if you decide to support me. (For example a good homepage would be nice. Or banners for this petition). Please contact me! You can also follow me on Twitter if you want.
Youtube: 1RavenRayne | Twitter: Ethan__Rayne | E-Mail: b.petition@ymail.com