Petition Against Reduction of Base Salary (BSP)
To: Brunei Shell Petroleum Leadership Team
Date: Friday, July 18, 2014
Summary: There should not be any revision or reduction of the base salary of 94 local employees due to a clerical error made by HR. This was due to a policy change that was not communicated to all affected Brunei Shell Joint Venture (BSJV) staff, including the affected, via the official channels i.e. HR in Business and Capability Coordinators, at the time of change.
We, the undersigned, would like the Board of Directors to support our appeal to HR to not reduce our salaries (already in effect as of 1st July 2014) due to an error in remuneration as a result of a policy change that went unnoticed for over 2 years and was only brought to our attention very recently.
On the 9th of July 2014, we, the 94 local employees of Brunei Shell Joint Venture (BSJV) Companies were informed that we will receive a pay cut effective immediately i.e. reflected in July’s pay. There was no prior engagement between HR and employees when implementing this pay reduction.
It was explained that as of January 2012, there was a policy change stating that graduates are no longer eligible for a merit pay increment of 10% upon exiting graduate level, as it had been in the past. The mistake in remuneration was that those confirmed into SG5 post-January 2012 were still receiving a 10% increment on their base salary. The above mentioned policy change was not published onto Livelink and accessible to anyone until November 2013, much later than the policy was supposedly in effect.
Between January 2012 and December 2013, 94 individuals were confirmed into SG5 and have all individually received an official confirmation letter from their supervisor and their HR in Business of the 10% increment on their base salary.
We, the undersigned, did not have knowledge that our base salary was under investigation and feel that we have been treated unfairly and without due respect and consideration and as such, cannot accept a revision or pay reduction with grace. We urge that there should not be any revision of our base salary.
This online petition is agreed upon by the following signatories.