Jeffrey K Larson 0

Brown vs. Larson 11 F 846

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Jeffrey K Larson 0 Comments
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Jennifer Brown filed a false Order of Protection against me to hide the fact she was having an affair with the Godfather of our child. Jennifer is well aware of the fact I haven't seen my first daughter in 28 years because of a friend I have known since I was 6. She has perjured herself to obtain Orders of Protection, disobeyed a court order, and lied about her income. Jennifer suffers from mental illness and I didn't know this until we had already conceived Ava. Jennifer wants me out of my daughter's life so Jennifer and her parents can raise Ava. Jennifer's parents, Edward and Margit Brown of Park Ridge have filed false police reports in an effort to get me charged with a felony which would ruin my career. I believe Jennifer should be charged with perjury. I have all police reports and photos of my daughter's face with bruises on it. Jennifer gave multiple stories how the bruises happened. She had a live in boyfriend and I refused to put Ava in harms way. The bruises haven't stopped and I have been given 5 tickets for visitation interference while protecting my daughter. Please sign my petition to Judge Ukena to let him know that lying in court is a crime, especially to stop a father from seeing his daughter. I have had a clean record for 31 years and I would like to keep that way. Please help me!

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