Petition to not allow zoning changes and not allow a Boat Storage. "418" Broughton Rd.

This petition is to fight against issues which have not been thought through with current residents in mind. Building a boat storage facility in a residential area will negatively impact the state of the current neighborhood and their families.
-There is no HOA so locals do not need a boat storage facility. The newly developing neighborhood (which locals do not want for the same reasons below) will have an HOA and will NEED this allowing non residents to benefit financially for the inconvenience of the dedicated locals.
-Catering to the public rather than the local residents in our neighborhood drive crime, litter, corruption, and traffic for the locals that have been dedicated to live here for many years.
-The land has large natural wetlands that need to be considered. We have seen from other surrounding cities the harm that this has caused during storms and drainage situations. (ie. Carnes, Nexton, Sangaree, most of summerville.) Please look at the below link for our area!
-School traffic is ONE WAY IN AND ONE WAY OUT on Broughton Rd and traffic gets backed up. The new neighborhood being build will add to the traffic issues in the area. By adding a boat storage facility to the area, the traffic will become a safety hazard for the children and families who live in the area and will negatively impact the traffic to the intersection at Main Street and potentially down Main St.
-When were the traffic studies done?
-Why were no local residents informed of the decision to take residential land and make it commercial?
-The issue with the realtor being associated with the deciding board is a conflict.
-The buyers/developers are from Mt. Pleasant and are not local residents that care about the sanctity of Moncks Corner.
-Aug 15TH Meeting was Tabled and had many people come to talk. This is a good start of an effort and we need to have more people attend the next meeting. The next meeting should be SEP 19TH. PLEASE COME OUT TO THE MUNICIPLE COMPLEX. 6PM.