Broaden their Spectrum!

So who is tired of hardly any really solid DSL/High Speed internet options in Mt Sterling? I moved out here a few months ago and never dreamed we would have such a problem getting good quality, high speed internet. I plan to live here for quite some time so getting a good provider is a must. I used to live in Hillard and had Spectrum there. We had the 100 MBPS plan which is a pretty great plan for nearly anyone. Plenty of speed to do nearly anything you want and was always reliable for a very affordable price. I think nearly everyone in this area would gladly pay for someone to cover the entire area with a quality service! There are several Satellite options but those are very pricey, usually not unlimited usage, and can be very spotty service from time to time. Century Link seems to be a great company but do not seem to have any plans to expand any time soon. I am currently on a waiting list with Century Link right now but no idea how long that will be before we can get it. The biggest company that I feel like would be willing to expand and make a move like this would have to be Spectrum! This petitions goal is to gauge as much interest as possible to show that their is a major need for a quality internet service in this area. Columbus is already overcrowded and people have to flood into the outer cities and Mt Sterling is only going to continue to grow. This is 2019, we need good internet!