Robin Mantis 0

Broadcast Center Apartments Downgrades

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Robin Mantis 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To whom it may concern,

We, the residents of The Broadcast Center Apartments located at 7660 Beverly Blvd, would like to formally lodge a complaint in regards to the management of this ‘luxury’ building.

We have also witnessed that in-house management is rude and unprofessional to paying residents. On few occasions, residents have heard management gossip about residents.

We feel that this is the most efficient way of airing our grievances since complaints addressed to the in-house management in person are disregarded and mocked and we request our concerns be resolved immediately.

In general, since the new management of this building has taken office, the maintenance of this building has been downgraded that we did not sign up for or agreed to when we rented our units; we pay an exorbitant amount for rent (relative to the neighborhood) and though we agreed to the price, that was under the understanding that everything that was seemingly offered would be a guaranteed.

Take for example security: upon leasing the apartment we were told that there would be 24-hour security. For months the security of this building has been lacking, even non-existent. People walk freely in and out of the building, with access to codes, invading the pool, gym, and hallways. We request a 24hr doorman to confirm entry of any guest. We ask that security is reinstated and that residents are contacted before guests are allowed to enter.

Management has been fraudulently charging and telling current leasers that the transfer fee and cost of moving out has gone up to 1000$ plus 30-day plus painting and cleaning fees. While they are telling new residents transfer fees are still $600. This is incredulous behavior and we did not sign up for the 1000$ transfer fee.

The pool and Islands areas have been missing cushions for months already since the new management took over. The gym’s AC is never on and often broken, the lights in the bathroom are permanently broken, and the BBQ does not work. The music has been turned off at the pool and the common area bathrooms have been locked for personal use only. If not for these amenities, why the high rent?

It has come to our attention that management no longer replaces our fridge’s water filter; this is unacceptable. The fridge belongs to the building as it is given to us when we move in; therefore it is of direct responsibility of the management to change/fix any problems with its property.

The price of the washer/dryers has been raised since the new management and all the while it takes months to fix the broken units. We would like to see the prices reduced to the original pricing of 1.25 and the broken units to be fixed in a timely fashion.

Issues that we ask be resolved immediately

1. 24 hr. security: must contact us by phone before letting in visitors.

2. Intercom service.

3. More guests parking with authorization by phone.

4. Maintenance continues to change the refrigerator filter at no additional cost.

5. Return old coffee cups, new ones are flimsy and spill.

6. Return washer and dryer price to $1.25 and fix them promptly.

7. Maintenance fixes broken appliances promptly and change old appliances.

8. Supply remote control for all common area televisions including gym and party room.

9. Fix light in the back of gym.

10. Fix broken weight machine.

11. Supply weight scale in gym.

12. We would appreciate if you can supply a thigh machine instead in gym of the useless stretching device.

13. Keep party room BBQ area, sauna and Gym open 24/7. (There are no apt homes located under the gym and party room, therefor noise wouldn’t interfere.)

14. Fix lights in gym restrooms.

15. Open common area restrooms.

16. Supply mineral water like before.

17. Return cushions for hot pool lounges and island chairs.

18. Transfer fee should not be more than $600, which covers cleaning and painting.

19. Return the finders fee of $500 to residents that refer new residents.

20. Inform new residents in writing of the noise from CBS.

21. Allow smoking in the private residents.

We are extremely disappointed in our living situations and most importantly, the team who manages the building. We would like to see these issues resolved and would be more than happy to sit and resolve all issues. We know our rights and if these problems continue to be ignored, we will be forced to contact fair housing and the media, if the downgrades are not met immediately.

Thanks in advance,

The residents.

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