Bring Zombie Walk back to Brisbane CBD
The Brisbane Zombie Walk is an epic annual event with chapters holding other Zombie Walks around the world. It's an amazing fun day out for everyone of any age. It's a chance to use your creativeness, get in costume, and put on your most gruesome makeup on to walk the streets of Brisbane while promoting awareness and raising money for the Brain Foundation of Australia. It also an excellent promotional event for the city of Brisbane as the event is seen in print, on TV, and on the web all around the world. This year The Brisbane Zombie Walk has suffered under the hinderance of red-tape, and been relegated to little more than a walk around the outskirts of a park. Sign this petition to bring the Zombie Walk back to the streets of Brisbane!! While there is too little time to organise a march through the CBD centre, we can still work with Brisbane City Council to extend the current route to St Pauls Tce or Wickham St, without causing severe traffic loss. We thank Brisbane City Council for all their support, but ask graciously if they will approve an extension to the route as this year will again be attempting a Guinness World Record. Help us make this the biggest Zombie Walk in the world and get Brisbane in the record books!