Bring Omar Khadr Home
Corin Warden 0

Bring Omar Khadr Home

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Corin Warden 0 Comments
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On Tuesday, July 15, the CBC reported there is «no political will in Ottawa» to free Omar Khadr from Guantanamo Bay. A Canadian citizen, he is the ONLY prisoner from the West who has not been freed by his country's government. Although it doesn't surprise me Ottawa has no political will to do the right thing, I think average Canadians have. If we can get Rogers to cave in on its pricing plans for an iPhone, then surely we can save Khadr from a show trial in the U.S. Isn't our Charter of Rights and Freedoms just as good as everyone else's It's not that I don't believe Khadr's case shouldn't be investigated, nor that I think he should not be made to take responsibility for what he has done, but I don't believe he should be tortured for it, nor made an example of, by a nation who has shown nothing but contempt for basic human rights since 9/11. And he should have a fair trial and be judged by his peers. So let's make Ottawa bring him home!

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