Bring Manmade Jumps BACK to RCR Terrain Parks

RCR recently announced (9th of November 2007) that they would be removing all manmade jumps from their terrain parks. This petition was made in an effort to prevent RCR from removing the jumps from their terrain parks. This is something I find absolutely shocking considering the amazing quality of RCR parks. It is also something I would like to prevent from happening if at all possible. PLEASE sign this petition and bring parks back to RCR resorts! Original Press Release on RCR Website: http://www.skircr.com/mediaCentre/pr_detail.aspid=479 Please, help this cause and prevent RCR from getting rid of jumps in their terrain parks. If you have the opportunity and feel strongly on this subject, PLEASE email MMostell@skircr.com and ask him to bring the jumps back. If you do, make sure your message is well-written and logical. Also, it has recently come to my attention that there is a far larger petition in the works: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/SnowparkRCR/ If you get a chance, please sign it too. Every little bit counts! BRING BACK THE PARK