Taylor Amos 0


28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Taylor Amos 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello IDSers and Friends of IDS!

Two core summer IDS classes have been cancelled, IAFF 6138 Poverty & Bottom up Development and Social Enterprise in Development. Though Poverty & Bottom up Development is sometimes offered in the Fall, Social Enterprise in Development is not. Students have come to count on these courses being taught in the summer to make room for other required courses that must be taken in the fall or spring. Both courses are popular amongst IDS students as well as students throughout the University. These courses are vital to students who are part-time and wish to take courses over the summer, students who are specializing in economic development or social enterprise and private sector development, as well as other students across the University who are interested in the this subject matter. Registration has yet to open and students are forces to limit their options. With your support we have a better chance of getting these courses back on the summer roster. Please help your fellow IDS classmates and sign the petition and pass it along to a friend!

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