Bring back One Life To Live
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

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Millions of loyal fans have watched this wonderful daytime drama for as many as 43 years. Myself, I have watched faithfully for 30years. However, the ABC Network still chooses to cancel the show and replace it with yet another reality/self-help/talks how. Please sign our petition if you want to see One Life To Live return in any manner, online, network TV, even paid cable channel. Hoovers has pulled advertising (NYTimes) due to the soaps being canceled. It works to boycott and show your support!
Please go to the links page and check out the grassroots campaigns going on there to help bring back One Life to Live!
All of the loyal fans of One Life to Live.
Bring back One Life to Live! Sign our petition! Like our Facebook page!
Thank you!
Check out our "likes" list on our FB page for a list of other FB pages supporting the cause.
A few of them are:
Daytime Fans Unite - This group has backing by
current and former soap stars:
Another great facebook site to check out to help save our soaps!
See how Erika Sleazak feels about it! She is absolutely correct! I love her and will miss her so much!