Bring WoK Back

We've all noticed the changes, the spammy plugins, the deletion of burning furnaces, etc. We, as the WoK Community feel like this is the last straw. Wok used to be a great community, striving for quality and respect. We, as the community shape the future, we are the future Moderators, Administrators, Donators, and Builders. We, the players are the future. For the veterans, this is a Like it or Leave situation. These people have invested months, sometimes years into this server only to see it go down a much different road. As a community, we take a stand to fight this, to get WoK back on its feet.
1) WoK has been an awesome community, but lately things have changed. We feel that zoppp should let EVERYONE know about upcoming changes, like new plugins, and get opinions. No just announce it when nobody is on. This will give players insight and give them a part in the future of WoK
2) New plugins are ruining the spirit. Before you say, "Oh stop whining!", we have a point. As many [Trusted]s said, "We don't want to know when everyone joins..." It can get quite spammy. WoK should have betatesters and let them get a say in new changes. This goes for plugins that can be remade, like the new join and quit plugin, where it can be made toggleable.
3) WoK is going down a different path. New guests are coming and disrupting the community. Not all, but some just come on to spam, curse, etc, which is disrupting to the community of deticated builders, the ones who shape the future. I feel like rules and regulations must be changed to help resolve the spam and immaturity.
We, the WoK Community, make a stand. We want the Old WoK Back. Bring WoK back.
The WoK Community