Bring Windows Live Messenger back. Stop Microsoft "Cyber bullying" users.

I am sure by now we are all aware of the purchase of Skype by Microsoft and the planned merge of said Skype franchise with their highly popular and well loved Instant message service Windows Live Messenger. What was a surprise and an underhanded move by Microsoft was that this merger also meant the shutting down of the Windows Live Server all together (apart from mainland china) and a non-optional switch to Skype for all Windows Live/MSN users if they wished to keep their contacts....whether they wanted it or not. It is also a surprise at Microsoft's blatant "Cyberbullying" tactics and language in their emails in forcing users to upgrade not to mention the abuse of Human Rights and privacy by taking away not only the Windows Live program itself - which for many is a basic lifeline to communicate - but also by changing and moving their emails to Outlook WITHOUT the users permission. As a long time Windows Live user, I am appalled at Microsoft's lack of consumer care and am shocked that they are being allowed to treat people this way. Simply because the company invested in Skype they are bulling their consumers into using a system they do not want, do not need and have now no other choice to use because Microsoft has made it clear that is the only way they will be able to use/keep their Windows Live contacts intact. Thus bullying and holding their Users to ransom. Why not keep both Windows Live Messenger and Skype? The company would be quite capable of doing so seen as they are allowing users in China to keep the service and it would not come at a great cost to the company as by keeping them both Microsoft's revenue, value and popularity would only rise and it would multiply the amount of users they gain - with the current plan of action they are taking, Microsoft are set to lose at least half of all Windows Live users. If the company were so set to merge both programs, why not simply merge and upgrade the Video call/Video chat service on MSN that has always been present on Windows Live anyway to a Skype mode plug-in (as that is what skype was intended for in the first place) instead of forcing users to use a program they do not need or want and trying to give people a half thought out weak IM add-on to Skype that is not reliable nor does it have any of the features or functions of Windows Live/MSN. This world is supposed to stand up against and not tolerate any form of cyber bullying, bullying in general or breach of privacy and yet Microsoft is being let to get away just that. As a company reliant on it's consumers Microsoft's actions are appalling by ignoring the needs and wishes of their users. And as a consumer and person I feel deeply offended and let down at being treated in such a manner and feel we must stand up against Microsoft for their bad conduct, breach of privacy and human rights, also for the companies "Bullying" tactics and for our right to use a system we love. We have a right to be heard. LISTEN TO YOUR CONSUMERS MICROSOFT. BRING WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER BACK.