Bring Tigger Home
Robin Trenchard 0

Bring Tigger Home

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Robin Trenchard 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Tigger is my blue and gold macaw that I have shared my life with since 1997. He is a Certified Companion/Service pet since 2003. He helps so much with my anxiety PST and depression issues. He is not at where he belongs right now I have trusted someone to help me with him and I lost him I am hoping with enough signatures that she will do the right thing and let Tigger return home like she promised me.

Her own words in a email she sent me.. "Tigger has been a very trusting bird, and funny. He will always be welcome in my home should you decide to permanently place him."

I'm enclosing a link to Tigger,s story.

please take the time to read his story and join my cause by signing this.

thank you


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