Bring SS4 to Chicago ♥
Katelyn Lamas 0

Bring SS4 to Chicago ♥

69 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Katelyn Lamas 0 Comments
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As we ELF know, Super Junior has grown enormously in popularity and everyone knows that if you're an ELF, you must see them at least once in your life. Super Junior has changed our lives greatly, and we ELF living in the USA want to see Super Junior with our whole hearts. Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States, and us Chicago ELF would be honored, and so happy if Super Junior could hold an Super Show 4 here for us to enjoy as well. Us Chicago ELF want a chance to show our support more than anything, and we want to finally see Super Junior perform live with our whole hearts. This petition is to bring SS4 to Chicago so that our dream can finally come true ♥ Chicago ELF love Super Junior! Please bring SS4 to Chicago!! We Chicago ELF will be waiting!

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