Bring Shane Dawson's 'Its Gets Worse' Book Tour to Dallas
Shane Dawson is going to Houston, TX for one of his book tour dates, but for many fans its quite the journey to get there. So lets get the 'Its Gets Worse' book tour to Dallas! Dallas being one of the major cities in TX where a lot of Shane's fans reside both in and very close to, makes it an amazing place for him to do a quick stop at. Shane is an inspiration to not only myself but so many both young and older people, and would give anything to meet him. That being said, I think all the fans in the Dallas/Fort Worth area who are dying to talk to their idol and tell him how much he means to them should get the chance to. Please help get the It Gets Worse tour here and get Shane to notice how dedicated we are, and hopfully come!! Follow my twitter: Kayli3902 and the account @ShanetoDallas that i created specifically for this. RT my petition link to spread the word!! Love you guys -Kayli