Bring nailah home

I come forward with this petition in an attempt to ask for all you dog lovers and owners alike to help towards getting Lambeth Council to let me keep my dog, if I loose this fight she will be put to sleep, she is an amazing dog and companion, who doesn't deserve to be euthanised for assumptions made by authorities that she is an illegal breed, both parents are Staffordshire Bullterriers, dad having Boxer in him too, She was taken unjustly with no reasonable explanation only that she was off the lead in my back garden & that she looks like a Pit.
but bearing in mind the police and kennel people are supporting and helping me bring her home we need all the support we can get
She should be treated the same as any other dog, her behaviour reports were positive they have no reason to keep much less put her down, without any solid proof they dont want to release her back to me because they've classed her as a banned breed To Me ..
Nai isn't just a dog, she is my companion, my other half I can't imagine losing her, she's an excited puppy always has been, loves attention, my neighbours adore her and she loves children I have a group of local children from around my estate who knock on my door just so I can let her out into the garden so they can run around with her play fetch she loves it, I always supervise & have never had any complaints or concerns about her behaviour from anyone, Family pets should not be taken from us.let me keep my girl in our home every one that meets her falls in love she's a softy