Bring Laurance Tan to Hala Kahiki Lounge to Perform!!!

As many of my Facebook friends know my hometown is Chicago but I've been living in Toronto for a number of years. I was introduced to a fabulous musician a while back Laurance Tan. For those of you now familiar with him check him out on Youtube, Amazing performer.
I'm starting this petition because I want to support his deep artistic music, I think stuff like this doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves compared to all this pop junk out there.
I'm starting this petition to encourage Hala Kahiki Longe in River Grove, Illinois to bring Laurance Tan out to perform. He's an amazing performer and his genre is kind of hawaiin/polynesian style music. Hala Kahiki Lounge is one of the top and most authentic tiki bars in the midest. It would be an excellent setting for a performance by him.
For any of you who would like to see Mr. Tan perform at Hala Kahiki Lounge please sign this petition!!!