Bring Kelly & Jane to Anime Los Angels 2013

Kellyjane and Tealpirate from Parlé Productions would like to come to Anime Los Angels 2013 in January. This petition is to show just how many fans want to have them come as fan guest, So if you too want to see Jen and Kelly come to ALA 2013 please sign the petition and pass it around. For more info on P.P. Please look below: Parlé Productions are a group of cosplaying friends from the UK who choose to make fools of themselves on youtube and share their antics with the world! Most well-known for their shows Demyx Time and The Sora Show (created by KellyJane and TealPirate), they have current and upcoming projects parodying many different video games, animes, mangas and movies. While the cast has many regulars and guests, the main Parlé Crew are: KellyJane, TealPirate, Sora1992, One-Sky-One-Destiny, Tomoyo-Hime and StripeyDani. All of them can be found on deviantART under those usernames.