Bring Heartland Feeding to Tricare for Military Families!

Eating issues plague your home? Wish there was someone to help find a solution? Currently Heartland Pediatric Feeding Disorder Services is NOT tricare certified and there are very few programs that provide feeding services. The Heartland Pediatric Feeding Disorders Services (HPFDS) is one of the few service providers (nationwide) that work exclusively in family's homes, where feeding problems occur instead of in a clinic. At Heartland they rely heavily on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and use data, which are the powerful storytellers to inform our decision making regarding specific procedures and recommendations.
Eating is one of the few adaptive behavior skills essential to life. When children do not consume adequate nutrition it can result in detrimental effects on brain growth (see the figure below). Intensive behavior analytic feeding programs report high success rates nationwide (i.e., 86-94%) with admissions lasting a few weeks to a few months. Also, the majority of these programs are hospital based. At Heartland, we work in family's homes and a typical intensive case lasts approximately 2-3 weeks (or about 80-100 meals) to meet all of our goals for a child.
Please sign this petition to let Dr. Sean Casey at Heartland Pediatric Feeding Disorders Services and Tricare know that Military families need this service for it's children!