Bring Demon's Souls to the Xbox 360 and PC.

This is a petetion to get Namco Bandai to port Demon's Souls to the Xbox 360 and PC, or re-sell it on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Dark Souls was, and still is, a very popular game worldwide. It was released for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, then later ported the the PC and the "Prepare to Die Edition." Unfortunatley, the prequel, Demon's Souls, was a PlayStation exclusive, so PC and Xbox gamers never got the chance to play it. I love Dark Souls, and I really want a chance to play Demon's Souls, and I know I'm not the only one. FromSoftware and Namco Bandai do pay attention to the fans and what they want, so if we get enough signitures here, I'll bet we can make it happen. Thanks, and please spread the word to anyone who'd be interested in this! :)