Bring Brandi Back
Bring Brandi Back 0

Bring Brandi Back

207 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bring Brandi Back 0 Comments
207 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear seminoles, we have all seen how this school year has started out with this new principal ; no phones, no AirPods, iss for wearing slides , iss if crocs are not in sports mode, admins in the hall and literally everywhere else 24/7, different color hall passes, classes starting earlier, being stuck in the cafeteria till 7:55, ect. A tall bald man entered the classroom breathing down students' necks to make sure rules were followed accordingly, turns out he’s Jarvis number two . However, this is our reason for the #BRINGBRANDIBACK movement . If Brandi were here, she would never do this to us. Brandi let us have phones, AirPods, wear crocs & slides peacefully WHILE GETTING OUR EDUCATION! The new Principal, Jarvis, cries and sends people to ISS just for not having their crocs in sports mode … This is literally the principal who’sin control rn☠️ Imagine your college seeing that you had ISS in high school just because your crocs weren’t in sports mode, so foolish. Also, this man doesn’t even speak to us☠️ Brandi told us to have a wonderful day every day. Like, it would be nice to be told good morning & greeted. Jarvis greeted us with the crazy rules, which was his only greeting for our new year. Brandi coming back would benefit all the students at Salem high school. We are supposed to enjoy high school this shit feel like prison. On top of that, many teachers have expressed their displeasure of these new rules as well. Teachers are saying they are tired of all the meetings, that students should be able to walk around freely in the mornings, some teachers even reading the petition, agreeing, and encouraging me to send it to him. Please sign this petition to join the #BRINGBRANDIBACK movement.

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