Bring Bob Camp Back For A Ren and Stimpy Movie
"Ren and Stimpy" was a firebrand in the world of animation and opened
the door to creator driven animation again in a toy driven climate, and
put the Nicktoons program on the map. Nickelodeon is experimenting with
bringing their older library back for a new generation. Every show but
one, "Ren and Stimpy". Series co creator Bob Camp tried pitching a movie
to Paramount years ago, but it was turned down because of the
subsequent failure of the 2003 series "Adult Party Cartoon". As "Ren and
Stimpy" fans, we are let down and dismal.
The 2003 series on Spike was handled by co creator John Kricfalusi, who
had absolute creative control. He was obviated from going overboard and
missing deadlines by imperative members of his crew and Nickelodeon
executives in the original series. While Adult Party had some original crew members, it almost had an
entirely new set of people. John was a horrible man who was notoriously abusive to his employees and the executives who employed him, went overbudget, spread lies about his co workers when he was fired and sabotaged their reputations. He also groomed a teenage artist who worked with him, and wielded her as his girlfriend when she was an intern at his studio, Spumco. He sexually abused her, and caused a great deal of damage to her adolescence, which those craters still hurt to this day. He tried grooming another artist who was around the same age group, and sexually harassed her with midnight phone calls, letters, emails, AIM messages, and when she worked with him as an employee, continued to pass unwanted advantages to her, despite her continual refusals. He has hurt alot of people, and the bruises he injected were so bad that people refused to talk about them for a long time because of their horrible experiences working for John, until Thad Komorowski's "Sick Little Monkeys", Ron Cicero's "Happy, Happy Joy Joy The Ren and Stimpy Story" and most recent was a Buzzfeed article where two of his teenage victims, Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice finally asserted John's sexual abuse, and how he traumatized them. No one enjoyed their experiences working with John. His actions have made the show and it's reputation infamous, but there were other artists who worked on the show who are good people, and they shouldn't be tarred with the same brush. He does not represent this show, or the people that shaped "Ren and Stimpy". There was also another person responsible
for the show, and that was Bob Camp. He was the creative director, wrote
most of the episodes, edited the cartoons, finished them when John was
missing, was responsible for the moments that people loved about the
show and carried the show after John was fired. He's also a very
gracious man to his fans, and attends comic conventions all across the
country. He has never gotten the credit he deserves for his
participation in co developing the series. He teaches at an art school to help eager artists better their drawing skills. Unlike John, he was civil to his employees and he was unfairly maligned by John who lied about Bob stabbing him in the back and stealing his show, when John actually gave Bob permission to run the show in his absence. They had a feud that still burns to this day.
We don't feel John's actions or "Adult Party Cartoon" should stop a "Ren
and Stimpy" movie from being developed, especially because Bob was not
involved. "Adult Party Cartoon" was what you got when John was unchecked, and his original vision of the series when he didn't have Camp or Vanessa Coffey (the executive responsible for the Nicktoons program) to keep him in check. "Ren and Stimpy" is a very paramount series in the animation
field and is loved by millions of people all around the world that has touched their heart and their lives.
Nickelodeon is seeking their vault to actively bring back their past,
and it is inequitable that the series that made "Nicktoons" a household
name isn't part of that package. Bob has shared the sentiments of the
hopes and dreams of fans of bringing these beloved characters back,
whether it be for a big screen adventure or a return to the small
screen. It would be great to give back to them and facilitate the chance
of Camp producing a "Ren and Stimpy" movie.