Bring Back Wawa Sugar Free Caramel and Add Decaf Specialty Beverages

I LOVE all things Wawa! Recently, Wawa stopped offering their Sugar Free caramel offer for their latte, cappuccino and all other espresso based drinks (behind the counter built to order specialty drinks). For medical reasons and to main a healthy diet I try to avoid sugar and caffeine. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts (which has a horrible tasting offer in this category) are the only establishments where you can get sugar free and decaf specialty (espresso based) beverages. Wawa has an amazing product that in my opinion is just as good if not better than Starbucks (yes I said better than Starbucks!), but they do not offer sugar and caffeine free alternatives. As a person who seeks out these options, I think Wawa would benefit from making these additions. The word just needs to get out since right now most people that want these options think they can only get it at a Starbucks. Because I have to frequent Starbucks (since they are the only place I can get sugar free and caffeine free) I notice that at least every other customer is ordering a skinny (sugar free/ fat free) and or decaf specialty drink...so there is a demand for these options. I would rather give my money to Wawa… a company who provides superior products, takes care of their employees and gives back to the community then the already overpriced pretentious Starbucks. I want to get my gas and drink my coffee too! If you agree sign the petition and pass it on to friends, let’s let Wawa know we the customers would love to have these additions!