Bring Back "The Shoe" as Scrappy's Sidekick.

Scrappy turned 7 this year (in mockingbird years that's 28) and, let's face it, it's been good and fun, but he's getting lonely. Scrappy wasn't made to be alone because Mocs fly together. Every good mascot needs a friend.
It's time Scrappy got a sidekick.
Now this is where it gets interesting: we could be like most schools and throw some lipstick on Mockingbird and call her "Scrappita", but UTC is more than that. We are passionate. We are creative. We embrace our past. And, most of all, we like to have a good laugh. So, let's take a play from the History books and bring back "The Shoe" mascot.
"The Shoe" was a part of UTC athletics during the 70's and he drew some...ridicule. I mean, it makes sense. A giant Moccasin isn't primary mascot material, but as a sidekick, he's perfect. Yes, the Shoe is comic relief but, more importantly, the Shoe is unique. It's like saying to the world, "Hey, we're UTC, and yeah we have a guy dressed as a giant shoe during basketball games. You got a problem with that?"
The athletics department even wrote an article saying they would do this as an April Fool's joke. Turns out...it was a fantastic idea so LET'S DO THIS.
Follow us on Twitter at @BringBackDaShoe