Bring back "The Hub for Intellectual Dialogue" at the Mount!

The Hub for Intellectual Dialogue (AKA: The Hub) is an organization that was started at Mount Saint Mary's University (AKA: MSMU or The Mount) in Los Angeles that provided a safe place for sensitive and complex discussions. The Hub's objective is to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills through rational discourse and intellectual inquiry and brave through uncomfortable conversations to develop a community of agents for change. It was created by Dr. Micah Daily and has been supported by many students and faculty over its course. It has also been featured in the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
My name is Sue Turjman and I am a student at the Mount who came to The Hub events to talk about my frustrations about the election, microaggressions, and other topics that are not discussed in class. Professors have so little time to conduct these discussions, so there is no place to express your opinions in class. To me, it was a place I can talk openly about my PTSD. It was a place for me to learn, to think, and to express. It was this safe place, not just for me, but for many students in The Mount community that have felt the need to discuss sensitive topics in a intellectual setting.
Recently, Mount Saint Mary's Student Affairs Department put a stop to The Hub. This is unfair to the students who feel the need to discuss current topics. It does not cost the school any money to host The Hub events. By signing this petition, you as a Mount student, faculty, alumni, or staff member will let MSMU's Student Affairs Department know that you wish for The Hub to continue so that all members of MSMU can openly discuss topics that are complex and sensitive in an intellectual setting!
Please comment on how The Hub has positively affected your education at MSMU. Mount students, please include your student ID along with your comments as to confirm that you are indeed a student. Other Mount members, please indicate whether you are faculty, alumni, or staff. Thank you.