Bring Back The 'Charly Says' Child Safety TV Advertising Campaign
In light of recent events surrounding the abduction of 5 year old April Jones, who was last seen getting into a light-coloured van near her home in Machynlleth in mid Wales on Monday evening, 01 October 2012, it occurred to me that there are no longer any public information advertising campaigns warning children of the dangers of strangers. During the 70’s, the ‘Charly Says’ Child Safety Advertising Campaign, was of utmost importance and obviously had a huge impact as I have never, ever forgotten that advert and I have absolutely no idea why it ever disappeared from our TV screens, especially in this day and age where the world is a far more dangerous place to be than ever, and these sort of advertising campaigns are now more important than ever before. This advertising campaign has always remained fresh in my mind and it should still to this day be aired on TV stations, as whilst children may listen to the advice they are given by adults, they are far more likely to pay attention to a TV advert in cartoon form. Whilst there are advertising campaigns directed at smoking, drinking, drink-driving and health awareness, there is absolutely nothing directed at children about strangers and at such a young, naive age, they are easily influenced, and highly likely to be easily led. This advertising campaign should never have left our TV screens and should be brought back immediately and it should remain on our screen forever more as are other campaigns.