Bring back the Budweiser Clydesdales

We need to keep the Clydesdale Horses as the mascots for Budweiser. The horses mean tradition and memories.I had the priviledge of seeing these majestic horses live and working. They are beautiful and mean more than having a beer. They uplift the hearts of children, men and women. How can a zombie replace all of their wonder and awe. Please bring them back and give back the joy of waiting with your breath held to see the next commercial that they will star in. I for one, am not interested in seeing a zombie have a Bud, or someone being chased by a zombie, stopping to have a cold one. Please rethink retiring these beautiful animals. I can't imagine a Christmas, a Super Bowl or any other moment in time being replaced by a zombie. It makes me very sad to even contemplate it. Shame on you Budweiser advertising execs. There is enough garbage commercials out there, leave the Zombies.....keep the Clydesdales....PLEASE