We, the Southern Cameroon community resident in South Africa have
observed with consternation the heavy crackdown on peaceful protesters
following the strike action initiated by Common Law Lawyers, Teachers
Trade Unions among other civil society organisations in the NW and SW
regions of Cameroon, resulting in the brutal killing, rape, torture,
maiming and arbitrary arrest of the protesters for legitimately claiming
the constitutional right to fair and equitable treatment.
We would like to call the attention of the government that in the midst of its conspicuous silence since the beginning of the crisis over three months ago, no meaningful dialogue can effectively take place while many of those arrested remain incarcerated under dehumanising conditions with some feared dead
We would also like to remind the government of its constitutional duty as well as the commitments it has undertaken both at the African regional level and internationally to respect and protect the human rights of all the peoples of Cameroon without discrimination. Notable among the treaties that the government has ratified and is therefore obligated to comply with are the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Convention against Torture, Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which guarantee the right to liberty and security of every human person.
On this basis, we call on the government as part of its human rights obligations to immediately and unconditionally release the remaining of the detainees that were arrested during and after the protests as a pre-requisite to constructive dialogue towards dealing with the crisis.
Those still in detention are: 1- Tamngwa Malvin 2- Tambou Cedric 3- Nde Emmanuel 4- Muluh Sylvain 5-Tsi Conrad 6- Ngu Clinton 7- Timah Elvis 8- Ambe Chart 9- Fonkeng Evaritu 10- Nsoh Ringobert 11- Tah Emile 12- Amah Elvis (Very Sick) 13- Tita Desmond (Very Sick)