Bring Back the Bell
Natalie Wolf 0

Bring Back the Bell

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Dr. Gray used to use a bell in class to bring attention to important issues. Dubbed "The Bell", its presence and influence has resulted in many students having a better idea of what to study and information that is essential to know for the test. The Bell often rang out for terms that may not have been on the study guide but ultimately were on the test.

Another benefit of the bell was that it kept people awake and focused. In a Pavolv's Dog-esque response, heads shot up at the ring of The Bell and attention that may have been fading due to fatigue, burn-out, or lack of general interest in the topic discussed immediately returns and students become more focused than usual.

Without it, class has been a struggle. Even those of us who are doing well without The Bell miss its friendly, bright ring. That is why I have created this petition. To give those of us who miss our old friend, our favorite bell, more influential than the Bell of Liberty. With a "ding" as loud as our old pal, we proclaim "BRING BACK THE BELL!"

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