Bring Back The Bar

We want the venue at Storthes Hall Student Village to be re-opened, and Karaoke night re-instated, the reasoning for which being false advertising. When booking accommodation for this year, we were informed that there would be a student bar open for all to go to without having to leave the campus, which was advertised clearly on their website, which im afraid to say they have gone back on their word, and shut the place down, which is rather gutting as were students, and we like drinking... ANYWAY, If the company has advertised this, then it should be provided, even just until the end of the summer term as this would be the full year contract. Its not like they dont have the money, they get like at least 4000 of each of us, and there are at least 500 rooms for rent. Plus the shop, bit more than enough I think to provide a bit of entertainment for their tenants! Please sign if you want to be able to have a drink without having to get those bloody buses into town for one, AND having to pay to do it! 500 signatures, and I will personally take this to the manager's meeting, and any who wish to join me are welcome :D