Bring back Shadow Man (1999)
Alexander West 0

Bring back Shadow Man (1999)

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alexander West 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The goal with this petition is to get a re-release of the great Shadow Man (1999) video game onto the PlayStation Network for PS3 and the Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, as a digital download. Tons of video game classics have been re-released already to great success, but there's still no Shadow Man, and that's a shame because there's a very dedicated fanbase out there who misses playing their favourite game. We wish to be able to play Shadow Man (1999) on our current generation consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360), and maybe even with an HD upgrade and a trophy/achievement set?

We wish for the Dreamcast or PC version of the game to be re-released, as those were the superior versions of the game. There's already a handful of Dreamcast classics on both PSN and XLA, which may be a sign of hope. With this petition I aim to gather 500 signatures. When the goal has been reached, I'll send this petition to the owners of the Shadow Man (1999) video game licence; Valiant Entertainment.

Shadow Man fans! Let's get this project on its legs... for we are many...

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