Bring Back @PsychTheMovie!

One of the unifying aspects of the Psych fandom has been our tenacity.
We never give up!
Whether it's pleading for 16 full episodes in the final season or begging the network for a movie, we never stop trying to have our voices heard.
Well, once more we need your help.
One of our own is dealing with a miscarriage of justice. I'm sure many of you know @PsychTheMovie. You should, as that account has been the driving force to help us achieve one of our biggest goals – getting our own Psych movie! And, yet, in the midst of this tremendous celebration, Twitter chose to permanently suspect that Twitter account.
Their reason? They claim it violates their “Impersonation” policy. In other words, somehow they've decided that @PsychTheMovie was attempting to impersonate, we believe, @Psych_USA.
Now, we know that is, in fact, untrue.
We also know there is no such thing as “permanent”.
So, I'm asking you all, now, to come to the aid of the very lovely person behind the account. Let's show our support! Let's show what PsychOs can do when we come together in love and friendship!
I would ask two simple things. First, to please retweet this petition. Help spread the word! The second would be to politely message @TwitterSupport to kindly ask them to restore @PsychTheMovie. Please note, it is crucial that you be polite. There are real people managing Twitter's support system and going in, guns blazing, will only make things worse. We're better than that and we want to win them over with our notorious PsychO love! Let's make fans, not enemies!
I realize a suspended Twitter account is such a minor thing in the scheme of life. And, yet, this is a big deal to the ones affected. And, more so, minor victories are still victories, right?
So let's go out an get us a WIN!