Bring Back How To Make It In America
Joanne Torku 0

Bring Back How To Make It In America

75 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Joanne Torku 0 Comments
75 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now


Please people sign this petition. If you sign it and explain why exactly you watched the show, then we could save it. I know why I watched it. How To Make It In America showed us the realistic of starting your own business. Every week you watched them struggle, but put effort into what they are trying to accomplish. It was raw and it was gritty. That show was real. It depicted Americans who are trying to start a business in real way. The show inspired me and many others. It showed me that we can do anything if we put our minds it.  I felt like you could emphasize with characters so much. Ratings shouldn't be a factor in whether or not a show stays on the air. This show was good and it makes me mad that it was canceled. There are so many shows that are on the air that shouldn't be. HBO didn't even give people chance to get into it. If we can get at least 100,00 signatures or more, that would be great. Sign below please and explain why you watched it.


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