Bring Back Fantasy Earth Zero
The award winning MMORPG Fantasy Earth Zero that started in the U.S. on March 3rd 2010 and ended shortly after on March 21st, 2011 is now being petitioned to be brought back to the all the players. Fantasy Earth Zero is an online MMORPG game that entered beta testing on February 23rd 2006 and was originally created by Square Enix. Gamepot took it over and continued beta testing in Japan, China and Taiwan. Gamepot U.S.A announced its release in U.S.A. to a highly anticipated player base. The online MMORPG Fantasy Earth Zero won WebMoney Best Games Awards from 2007 to 2012 and the game was very loved by its fan base. Despite this, lack of player base was the given reason of Gamepot removing the online MMORPG from the U.S.A. This has been a hot topic for the last 2 years with many outcries to multiple agents of Fantasy Earth Zero to be brought back to the U.S.
Previous players of Fantasy Earth Zero from beta to open who loved the unique gameplay of Fantasy earth Zero have been waiting for a chance to petition and shout loud their desire for this online MMORPG unlike any other, to return. This is a call to arms for new players and old that wish to experience game play like never before where skill matters over all else. Not just raw fighting, but real time strategy that is constantly flowing. Whether you’re a builder, a fighter, a general or simply looking for a great game Fantasy Earth Zero has it all. Still not convinced of the quality of this award winning online MMORPG go take a look at the many fan videos on YouTube and you will be
So how does the Bring Back Fantasy Earth Zero Movement begin you ask? The same answer as always with you the reader. First sign the petition. Next join the movement on Facebook
and Twitter . Don’t stop there though inform any & all game publishers you want the online MMORPG Fantasy Earth Zero returned to its fans new and old. Spread the word on all the MMORPG forums you can for truly the strongest part of the movement is you reading this now. A social network has been set up to make the movement go viral now all we need is recruits to assist so if interested contact us with the contact info attached. The Online MMORPG Fantasy Earth Zero inspires passion in its players cause its fun and strategic bringing gamers together for one cause, to FIGHT, WIN AND HAVE FUN!! The first generation of Fantasy Earth Zero players need to be reminded of this and the next generation needs to find out!!!