Help get this petition to 50,000 to present to Ricky Gervais who is now a Hollywood hot shot. How many series of The Office did the Americas get? Fifty or something like that. How many did we the Great British public get? Two plus a little Christmas special. Is this justice? I think not my good people. "OOhh OOhh I'm Ricky Gervais I"m a big Hollywood star, I can't be bothered with The British Office I'm far too busy hosting The Golden Globes and obsessing that God isn't real on Twitter" (In Brent"s voice) We were so tantalisingly teased with the return of Brent on Children In Need with Equality Street which will go down as one of my favourite songs in history! Biddlllyyyy... So come on the Great British public spread the word GET BRENT BACK where he belongs.. on our TV! Thank you and goodnight.