Bring Back BrainSurge!
Marthy Martinez 0

Bring Back BrainSurge!

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Marthy Martinez 0 Comments
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Now, when I was 7 (now I am 9), I watched a show titled "BrainSurge". It starred Jeff Sutphen. It had 6 kids answering questions. At the end, 2 kids had to be taken out if they had the lowest score. The 4 kids that were remaining had to sit on chairs that looked like hands. Jeff read a book and read imaginary and wacky stories. The kids had to guess what Jeff's question was. Like for example, "Name one of the celebrities." and a kid would answer "Justin Beaver" or "Bouncee". 2 kids would be eliminated if they guessed the wrong answer. The 2 remaining kids were given a board with 16 squares. They got to see the answers, and then had to guess them. If a kid stated, "2 and 14" and they were identical, they got it right. Eventually, if the kid reported, "5 and 16" and they got it wrong, they sat in the chair and whooshed away. The remaining kid who go on a flat plain with blue tiles. He had to repeat the pattern that Jeff gave him. If he messed up, he could try again. If he completed it, he had to step on a buzzer as fast as he can. He would win prizes for all of his family. The mega prize would be a cruise trip or a trip to the Bahamas or something like that. If he completed all 3 patterns, they got the trip to the Bahamas or Disneyland or Florida. Then, they made a new version called "Family BrainSurge" in which a mother or father and their son and daughter could compete. Their other family members (who could participate) would sit down in the bleachers. In the story time round, if the mother and dad and the son and daughter didn't know, they could ask one of the family members in the bleachers. If the family member got it wrong, the parent and the child lost. The 2 remaining child and parent told each other the answers to the identical pieces. The remaining parent and child could get help from their other family members in order to win the prizes. Like I commented before, if they completed the 3 patterns, they won a mega prize which was like Disney World or a trip to Nickelodeon Studios or to California. Sadly, BrainSurge came to an end in 2014. Rest In Peace BrainSurge. 2009-2014. P.S. They let celebrity guests and WWE wrestlers on BrainSurge like Kendall Schmidt or Stone Cold Steve Austin or even Tom Kenny and the Undertaker. Well, that is it. Bye!

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