Francisca Torres 0

Bring back Block Parties to Burbank, IL

186 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Francisca Torres 0 Comments
186 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I moved to Burbank, IL a year ago and have not had an opportunity to get to know all of my neighbors. I recently talked to my neighbors and mentioned that we should organize a block party in order to meet the others on the block and hoepfully begin to form a bond. Much to my surprise, I was informed by others and city hall that block parties are not permitted "at all" in Burbank. I would like to get this changed and help to begin a sense of togetherness in this community. In my past neighborhood, our community benefited from the block parties as it brought us together, and helped create a sense of awareness amongst the neighbors. We had neighbors helping the elderly plow snow in the winter, mow lawns during the summer, and neighbors keeping a lookout for anything out of the norm in the community. There are many other benefits that come from block parties and would love to bring that to my new neighborhood.

In order to get this implemented I will need your help to present my idea to the mayor. I ask that you please sign my petition to get block parties permitted in Burbank, IL.

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