Diane Sommerer 0

Bring back better and sortable search on Spotify

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Diane Sommerer 0 Comments
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Spotify's recent software update has removed the ability to sort search results and results are limited to a subset of "who knows how" they were picked songs. There doesn't seem to be a sort at all. This makes searching and finding new music based on search terms impossible. This may not seem important to everyone, however, we have created a Spotify game called Tag, You're It! that relies on search for beginners and pros alike. If you don't have a library of music in your head, then search is important for the game to be fun. Please bring back Spotify sortable search!

Update: You can get old Spotify search back by using this syntax "spotify:search:<search term>". This is great, but I think if anything there should be a setting to turn it on or off.

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