Get CHANNEL 5 To Bring Back BAD GIRLS!!
For a few years now the terrestrial UK television channel that has seemingly seen the largest rise in regards to its popularity, I think is Channel 5! With their bigger production values, and better quality of shows it has taken the entire channel from (dare I say) a channel that gathered most of it's ratings from the residential care home's around the country, to a channel that is delivering a better standard of gritty cutting edge drama's - such as WENTWORTH - whilst carrying on fan favourites - such as Home & Away & Big Brother. Therefore given the success and critical acclaim the PRISONER CELL BLOCK H reboot, "WENTWORTH", has received - especially in the UK - I propose that we start a petition for CHANNEL 5, to bring back one of the BEST British television shows ever - BAD GIRLS. I think that if we get enough signatures on this, enough share's on facebook, and retweet #CHANNEL5BADGIRLS around twitter, getting it noticed by the old various cast members and writers etc. that we could really be onto something. Stranger things have happened! :P