Bring Anton Savage back to Today FM
Anton Savage finished with Today FM due to differences with management,. Keith McCormack the CEO of Today FM said he would not be renewing the contract for Anton Savage and his morning show.
In my opinion Anton was one of a handful of reasons to listen to Today FM and he was one of their top presenters.
I want this petition to reflect the annoyance we the public feel at the format change in Today FM and for taking the joy out of our mornings. Anton was a humble, kind and knowlegdeable presenter who constantly made me and thousands laugh and smile daily. The board of Today FM and Communicorp need to revisit this decision and reevaluate if the listenership loss is worth it. Tens of thousands have switched off altogether and more will follow.
Please sign this petition if you want Anton to return to his rightful place and control his own show with his own great team on Today FM
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