BRIAN DOWNS for Family Court Judge in Kent County

In Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan, a family court, Circuit Court Judge position has become available due to the retirement of a sitting judge. Brian Downs is placing his application for the open position with Governor Snyder who will select the replacement judge. Citizens for Parental Rights (www.citizensforparentalrights.org) is requesting citizens to sign this petition in support of Brian Downs for judge. The Governor will be making his selection after the application deadline of October 17, 2011. You may write your own letter of support to the governor and/or sign the petition. Brian has been a family advocate for over 10 years and is well known and liked. In a recent election with a small last minute campaign, Brian ran for Circuit Court / Family Division Judge in Kent County. However, Brian was still able to take over 25 % of the vote in the election. This showed the interest of citizens in having a change in judges in Kent County. Brian Downs will bring to the family court a fresh approach in family issues. The family court is in need of a judge that will provide due process and uphold the law for all citizens. When signing this petition, please comment if you have been involved in family court and where that was.