Brewongle Solar Plant - BIG Solar in the WRONG place!

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Photon Energy (a foreign owned company) are proposing to build a 500 acre, almost 400,000 panel solar power plant on PRIME agricultural land in the middle of the historical, pristine village of Brewongle.

We can have BIG Solar in the RIGHT place. Big Solar in the WRONG place isn't necessary in a country as BIG as Australia. If we place BIG Solarin the RIGHT places ( on marginal land) we protect PRIME agriculturalland and our FOOD SECURITY. 52% of our farmland is now foreign owned!!!

Let us not hand over more PRIME land to BIG Solar. We have aresponsibility to protect it for future generations. We have the same responsibility to pursue renewable energy ( on MARGINAL land ) for our future generations . It is pretty simple . A WIN WIN. One "green" project SHOULD NOT impact another "green" asset.

We need sensible, responsible, informed decision making.

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