Bring An End To Breed Specific Legislation!!
Several states across the U.S. have Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in one form or another. Denver has a particularly heinous BSL law that states Pit Bulls are banned from the city and county of Denver. But in that law, they also lump ALL Bully breeds such as the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, yet the Bulldog is unaffected. We, the undersigned, are proclaiming in one unified voice that we DEMAND a moratorium on ALL Breed Specific Legislation across the United States. We feel discriminated against on the most basic of levels because we have to tailor where we move/live/enjoy our lives based on whether or not we will be arrested and/or fined. We ask that you please hear our voices and bring an end to unfair, demanding and often deadly Breed Specific Legislation. UPDATE! We are also demanding an immediate HALT to House Resolution (HR) 669 which seeks to permanently ban ALL Non-Native animals from the United States. This bill also seeks to make ownership and/or breeding of Non-Native animals illegal and subject to stiff fines and imprisonment. WE DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE HALT OF THIS BILL & DEMAND IT BE QUASHED PERMANENTLY! You were elected BY the American people, FOR the American people. And we, the American people are making our voices HEARD! Stop this senseless legislation NOW!